To blog or not to blog.

It feels strange to be starting a blog, as I am by no means a writer of any sort. And these days the blog market is extremely saturated, who even reads them anymore. But in the off chance that this is ever read by any other set of eyes {hats off to you if you’re that set of eyes, congratulations and welcome.} - it is somewhat of a release to put some thoughts and inspirations out into the blogosphere and have them float around even if just for my own self.
Seeing as an online portfolio has quite literally been on the cusp of happening for perhaps the last 15 years of my life, it’s about high time it finally exists. I’ve never quite known what to make of myself or how to market myself, as those of you who properly know me know I’ve toyed around with and developed many a different craft over the years. How do I place that into a nice, tidy organized square? Beats me. If you have ideas, feel free to share them. So for now, any platform with an array of my various creations and musings will have to do.

I will use this as a space to leave some of my preferences and opinions on all things art, beauty and wedding. The social media world is perhaps just a bit too public for me, and I can rest assured this will be more intimate and less seen— other than by those who truly care to delve deeper into my world.

I already have future posts on the docket, ready and waiting to be written and displayed. So please, make yourself comfortable, grab a tea, turn on some music from my favorite composer list and enjoy the ride with me.
